Intriguing Attractions: 3 Of The UK's Most Odd And Curious Attractions!

I started to wonder today...

" Sure Theme Parks are the best, but what about all the other attractions around the country? I wonder just how weird they can get? "

So to keep everything nice and simple on a Monday... Here is my best anwser to that question!

I have listed 3 of the most interesting and different attraction style experiences I could find!

( just to clarify, there are loads of different attractions out there, some are more well known than others, these are some that I had never heard of and I am itching to try out! )

So in no particular order ..... Let's Go!

1). God's Own Junkyard - London 

Forget Vegas, Forget Blackpool and Forget Orlando! 

Welcome to the true definition of "Neon Heaven" 

This is a vast collection of neon signs from all over the world can be found in London. 

Every possible variant of neon is here, many have been used in TV and Films Too! 

It's so impressive, give yourself enough time to take in all the designs and artwork. 

There is even a cafe on site to grab some tasty offerings, whilst taking in the sights! 

Just remember to bring your sunnys! 

2). City Of The Dead - Edinburgh 

Here is were we turn to a darker subject, deep within the underground of Edinburgh, is a place that has to be seen to be believed! 

This underground city is full of tight and haunted pathways, real skulls line the walls and true stories of it terrible past can be heard on many tours here. 

Now I've got to point out... this isn't a 'Scare Attraction' more a spooky tour of a heritage site, but something about the fact that it is all real... makes it even more terrifying! 

There are several options for tours, so whichever package takes your fancy give it a go! 

One thing is for sure, it will be a spine tingling time! 

3). Flight Experience  - London 

Have you ever wanted to try flying a plane?! 

Don't worry Im not talking about actually taking to the sky, more a simulated version! 

Flight Experience London, give you the opportunity to jump into a real scale cockpit and try to fly a full sized plane! 

With this being a shorter experience, as apposed to a full day,  it makes for a great afternoon or morning option! 

So what are you waiting for, call the cabin crew in, it's time to fly! 

Wrap Up: 

There we are, some great suggestions for doing something a little bit different around the UK!

Please do let me know If you try any of these out! I would love to hear what your experience was like!

Do you have any suggestions?! What are you looking forward to getting to visit soon?

Leave a comment below or get involved on our insta: @coastersamblog

Until Next Time,

See Ya!

Sam x


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