Coaster Review: Velocity A Smooth Sensation!

It's not often I come off a coaster feeling as light as air... well last week when i had the pleasure of experiencing not only my first booster bike, but also a brand new park (for me), I felt just that!

Yes, last week I headed up to Yorkshire, with the wonderful company of @themeparkloopy and @gothemeparks to visit a truly under-rated Theme Park in the North of the UK... Flamingoland.

After a lot of hype it was time to ride the one and only Velocity, here's my thoughts.

( as always, please remeber these are just my opinions, not everyone will agree and that's ok!
 Please share your own thoughts, as I would love to hear them! Get involved on our insta @coastersamblog)

Smoother than a smoothie attempting to be smooth! 

If you haven't of guessed it, I loved how smooth this coaster was! 

From the launch, right through to the brake run, there wasn't a moment, where I was uncomfortable! 

It was a sensation of gliding on that track, going over the wonderful airtime hills and stunning helix's it was a winner in my eyes! 

The Force Will Be With You 

Now I hate to say this... but... I did have my cocky Stealth walk on.... Thinking in my head, "this thing isn't going to match up to some of the great launch coasters of the uk"

Boy was I wrong... as this coaster really is quite snappy!

Im not sure if it's because your low down? closer to the ground then usual, but you feel every part of that 54MPH!

I really didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't to be blown away, coming off this coaster!


Ok the last part about this coaster that i wanted to talk about is the Atmosphere surrounding the ride. 

People can often overlook this.. but it's very important, the waiting experience, how the excitement to jump on the ride builds and always taking in a moment to breath in that theme park air! 

Well velocity was great at providing that too! 

With classic rock tracks blasting out and beautiful views of the new coaster being built, it always felt like one of the park's signature attractions! 

Wrap Up: 

So I guess this is a prime example of don't judge a book by it's cover, or is it perhaps?, wait until you ride a coaster yourself before making any judgments?.... 

what is safe to say is that the North of Yorkshire has one of the most unique coasters in the country! 

Have you been on Velocity? What are your thoughts? 

Leave a comment Below, or get involved on our insta: @coastersamblog... 

Until Next Time,

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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