"Hey, No Way": 3 Theme Park Hacks That Are Surprising Useful!

Going to a theme park is always a good option for a great day out.

But it's easy to allow the small worries or slip up's change your day of fun.... into a slightly annoying afternoon.

Today Im going to share my top 3 theme park hacks with you, while these won't change the world in any shape or form... they could take away some potentially smaller inconveniences!

Oh one more thing... remember these are just may thoughts, everyones will be different and that is all good, in fact it is what makes being a part of the coaster community the best! If you have any hacks to share, please do on our insta: @coastersamblog

Right Let's do it!

Sticky Drip Stopper 

Ok, so this one, I use all the time! 

You know when you get an ice cream on a hot day... but you feel like you have to eat it in 10 seconds flat so it doesn't melt away in your hands ( not that that's usually a problem in English weather!) well here is a solution you could try! 

Grab a lid from a quick service place or coffee shop/cafe in the park, pop the lid through the bottle of the stick.. and Bam! 

All those sticky ice cream drips will collect in the lid, saving your hands... and the mess! 

Backwards Is Best 

This might seem obvious to the more seasoned theme park goer or enthusiast... but for anyone who is within the general public and perhaps wouldn't put themselves in that bracket... this could help. 

Work Backwards! 

When you get to any park, head towards the back first, then move forwards towards the front... everyone will stop at the first thing they see, meaning where you are headed is usual much quieter... 

...basically your missing the buffet line! 

Ziplock, Ziplock, Zip.... you get the picture... 

Bring a ziplock bag with you! 

Don't Worry about any of your electronics getting wet, just pop them in the ziplock before securing them for a water ride... 

That way you get extra peace of mind and a stress free day! 

Wrap Up: 

Well I hope you found some of these tips useful! 

Do you have tips of your own? Do you have a hack you love? 

Leave a comment below, or get in touch on our insta: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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