Hidden stories: Inside The The Hollywood Tower Hotel Lobby.

For today's article I wanted to write about something that always comes to mind when entering any Disney Park, 'I wonder what hidden secrets, stories and facts I can discover'.

There are simply so many 'Hidden Stories' within each attraction that are just waiting to be discovered, but non stand out more then those inside the lobby of The Hollywood Tower Hotel!

I wanted to point out just a few of my personal favourites, so when you next find yourself in line, you can look out for them yourself.

1). The Un-finished Game 

On that faithful night when everyone vanished during the storm, things were just left abandoned still to this day. 

One of these is the un-finished game and tea party that was happening. 

On the table you can see a game for 4 people was taking place, still with the tea tray by the side. 

This gives us an idea of the pass-times of the stars of Hollywood during that time. 

While this varies from park to park and version to version, there is almost always some sort of game being played, as you enter the lobby on the left. 

2). The Hat and Coat 

For this little story we need to head over the Paris's version of this classic attraction. 

Checking into the hotel and seemingly also vanishing on the night, was the owner of a hat, cane and coat. 

The coat was a style that was typically worn during the time, as was the hat and cane. 

But one question that pops into my mind, is who was the owner... see if you can stop them on throughout the ride experience!! 

3). Check-in Desks. 

The final story I love to have a good old look at while waiting in line is the check in desk! 

This holds so many insights as to who stayed at the hotel and other guests that have may vanished that night. 

If you have a close look at the visitor book, you can see names and addresses, the letters also hold a load of cool info. 

How many rooms were busy, who the letter's were addressed to as well as the return address on the backs of them can give us a look into perhaps some of Hollywood's elite that was staying there. 

Wrap Up: 

I hope you enjoyed just a few of my recommendations to have a look at when next visiting a Disney Park with a TOT attraction. 

Have you got some of your own favourites? What attraction do you love finding out secrets for? 

Leave a comment below, or get in touch on our Instagram: @coastersamblog. 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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