Overhyped And Underwhelmed: The Top 3 Biggest Theme Park Disappointments.

It's not often I want to write about something so negative...

However today I felt like putting out a slight cautionary tale.

With the excitement of Theme Parks finally opening up around the world, every enthusiast and park goer will be eager to get on coasters, be it old favourites, or new additions, but I can't stress enough how important it is, to hold your judgment out, until you have tried something yourself.

There is a vlog for everything nowadays, even if your favourite theme park based influencer has been screaming about a ride.. try to keep an open mind when going to ride it... otherwise you could end up disappointed.

This happened to me... so here are my Top 3 examples of this.

( Please remember these are just my opinions, everyone will have different ones and that is what is so great about being in the coaster community, discussion! Please feel free to share your own experiences on our Instagram: @coastersamblog... I would love to hear them)

Let's Go!

Baron 1898 - Efteling (Netherlands)

This should come as no surprise... as I know I have written in length about this attraction in a previous article. 

However, I felt this ride was massively overhyped by enthusiasts... when I finally arrived at the gates, my level of excitement hit the roof! 

However then I rode it... I felt the theming was good, it was world class, but not the 'BEST IN THE WORLD!' like everyone had been saying... 

Also I found the actual coaster itself to be a very boring and short, a dive... into a half loop...into a helix... that's it... 

I know so many will disagree, but personally, it just didn't overly impress me. 

If you want to know my in-depth thoughts you can find my article all about Baron a little further down on the blog. 

Guardian's Of The Galaxy - California Adventure (USA)

Call me a 'Disney Purist' but this was another overly hyped layover... 

The original version had such, class and was completely different from any story or themed experience out there. 

So last summer, I finally got to ride this attraction and well... I came off feeling .... 'Meh' 

While the Pre-Show with Rocket was amazing! The actual ride experience was just lacking and felt lazy. 

In the original, the ride is broken up, with awesome show scenes, which use practical sets, special fx and lighting. 

 The layover uses almost, just screens, where those previous show scenes existed. It felt just like an uncomfortable moving 3D theatre. 

Overall I wasn't too impressed and still thing the best version of this attraction is in Paris! 

Space Mountain - Disneyland ( USA) 

One of my all time favourite rollercoaster experiences is 'Space Mountain' at Walt Disney World.. the original ride, always gives off unexpected surprises, speed and a whole load of chaos! 

So you can imagine my excitement arriving at the entrance to Disneyland's version in Anaheim! 

First up the queue line for this is incredible! Moving around the top of the show building and getting some really unique views... it's worth getting on the attraction for that alone! 

But the ride itself I felt to be so, so.... SO Tame! When compared to its sister attraction in Disney World, I was honestly stunned. 

While it was very smooth, it lacked anything overly thrilling whatsoever. 

It looses speed rapidly and in general has just a lot of nothingness... so I think I will keep the original space mountain in my heart at Disney World as my number one! 

Wrap Up: 

There we are then, those are my top 3 disappointments, of late. 

while I know we should always look for the positive and appreciate each rollercoaster as much as we can, I can't help but feel if I hadn't listened to the hype as much, I wouldn't be so disappointed. 

What are you favourite rides? Have you ever been disappointed? 

Leave a comment below or get in touch on our Instagram: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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