Post Lockdown Park: Chessington Deserted But Delightful

The Day has finally arrived... the 4th of July... Nope Im not talking about the red, white and blue states of America... Im talking about a day that many dreamed of over the last few months.....the day theme parks in the UK finally opened.

Today I took myself along to one of my favourite local home parks. Chessington World Of Adventures in Surry, to see what the atmosphere was like and what changes were apparent due to the 'New Normal'

As always please remember, this was just my own experience, so yours, or others could have varied. Please share your own experiences on our insta: @coastersamblog.. I would love to hear them.

Sanitation Station! 

OK so as you would expect, due to the virus, everyone was a bit apprehensive as to how the park would feel... Would it loose it's atmosphere? Could new systems be in place that could stop the fun? 

Well I am pleased to say, the park was more ready then ever! With Plenty of hand sanitisers around, options for buying masks, and lots, lots... ( one more) LOTS of cleaning ( But we will get into that later).. 

It was also re-assuring to see that staff were reminding folks in the queue to remain socially distanced, as even the best of us, can occasionally get distracted by the beautiful sights of Vampire, flying through the sky! 

OH, SO Quiet 

I have been to a lot of theme parks around the world.. never have I see a park This quiet. 

Obviously due to the pre-booking system, to keep the numbers at a safe capacity, the park today was so very quiet. 

But it was awesome! With so much space around you and clear views of the park's great theming and areas, it really offered a unique opportunity to appreciate all of the areas the park has. 

On a normal day, it isn't usually the case, where you have the time to stop and just take in a park's scenery... but now you really can. If your a photographer? or even someone who likes to take a picture now and then.... You are gunna love it! 

Ride The Wave 

Now, Unfortunately, this has to be touched upon. 

Due to the continuing commitment to Safety, each attraction does have a routine 'Deep Clean' every 30 mins. 

let's get real now for a sec... this has to happen, without it, the park wouldn't even be able to open. 

What I will say is, be prepared for longer wait times due to this... Understand that you may be waiting a good 45 mins or longer for your ride. For the moment, that is just how it has got to be. 

The rides team at Chessington today were fantastic! Communicating all of the procedures through the PA systems, to keep people in the loop. 

( I must say a big shout out to 'Rides Area Manager' Will, he was fantastic at keeping the Vampire station aware of what was going on, even explaining the mechanics of the ride, which to us fellow coaster geeks, was awesome!) 

Wrap Up: 

All In all... Considering the park's first day back was full of new challenges, uncertainties and potentially difficult procedures... it was a phenomenal experience. 

Professional, safe, friendly and always a fun time! .... who would expect anything else from our wonderful Chessy! 

Did you go to a park in the UK on opening day? What are you looking forward to getting on? 

Leave a comment below, or get in touch on our Insta: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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