Coaster Clash: The Un-Spoken Issue Of UK Parks

Today Im trying something a touch different.

I wanted to give my two pence today about an issue that isn't always spoken about.

( before moving forward, please remember these are just my views, not everyone will agree and thats ok! Discussion is the best thing about being in the coaster community, so please feel free to share your thoughts on our insta: @coastersamblog)

The reason why we don't have as many new major investments in the UK then say Europe or even the USA, now don't get me wrong... we are a small island in comparison to the the other destinations i just mentioned... but the point still rings true.

Here's my thoughts...

You see, in the UK we lack the competitive nature of other parks in other places.

Due to most of our parks being owned by 1 big company, the only real head to heads are BPB and Merlin.

Due to this they are not fighting as hard to get the visitor numbers and therefore the need for heavy consistent investment simply isn't there. This means that the park's in the Uk really dont need to push for a major new attraction most years... which is perhaps more the case in mainland Europe or USA.

So Imagine, just for a second, that all the parks in the UK were individually owned... this would increase the need for the parks to beat each other and therefore improve the offering for the guests.

One could argue that the ownership of our parks, being corporate is a good thing, as the money and infrastructure is there to keep them going, where as perhaps independent parks... would just fall by the wayside? 

So I want to open this hyperthetical discussion out to the floor, what do you all think?

What's your own views?

Feel free to comment below, or simply get involved on our insta: @coastersamblog

Until next Time,

See Ya!

Sam x


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