Seriously Spooky: The Alton Towers Dungeon

Having Just returned from a big summer staycation at The Alton Towers Resort, I wanted to touch on one of my highlights from the trip and share my thoughts of The Alton Towers Dungeon! 

While this attraction has been around for a season already, I hadn't ever gotten around to experiencing it until a few days ago, going in my expectations were very open, I knew it would be good, but I didn't know how good! 

Im going to break this down section by section and talk about each show scene, giving each one an overall rating out of ten! 

The Judge: 

As per some of the smaller Dungeons versions, the judge was starting point, to sentence us to our fait and set the scene. 

What was nice about this show scene, was that the script wasn't just a carbon copy of the previous versions. 

The crimes committed were local to the area and really reminded us that this was a different spin on the brand. 

It has to be mentioned a lovely lighting moment happened, when we finally were told about our fait... the room darkened and green lighting lit up the judge in a more sinister take then I've seen before! 

Overall  - 7.5 / 10 

The Black River Boat Ride: 

Easily one of the highlights and perhaps a strong selling point is the boat ride feature. 

Having been through other versions of the boat ride, I wasn't sure if we would get a drop or more an atmospherical dark ride! 

Oh boy was I impressed! 

What made this totally different was the attention to detail! The mapping projections on the walls, the large show scenes and special fx! 

You really felt like you had enough time to take it all in... At no point did I feel rushed or overwhelmed with what to look at, each section of the ride was clear and made for a fairly scary and impressive boat ride! 

While the ride itself didn't have any drops, the atmosphere and honestly scary moments made this a stronger contender then the London version. 

Overall - 9/10 

The Torturer 

This was the weakest scene, but I say as someone who is extremely familiar with the brand... 

While the script was unchanged, the jokes were the same... they seemed to still land a laugh with the crowd... which at the end of the day is the main thing.. 

Overall - 4/10 

The Highwayman 

This was one of the most interesting rooms in the attraction... 

First of all I have got to say the theming was fantastic! 

The set up of the room is the same chairs and experience you can find with Sweeney Todd in the London Attraction.  

As if you have just stepped into a pub, a landlord type character talks to you about the famous Dick Turpin. After a tale is told, atmosphere is built and a great use of backlit screens and shutters... the room darkens and the scares begin. 

From here the audio is 360, in your ears. Complete with back prodders, air and of course the finale chair tilt. 

All in all a fantastic show and a wonderful variation and use of the formula! 

Overall - 8/10 

The Plague Doctor 

This scene was also very much unchanged from the previous versions... 

but it worked so well with all the effects feeling fresh! 

While there isn't so much to talk about with this room it was great to see it with a new cast! 

Overall - 7.5 / 10 

The haunting 

This was the finale and rightly so... all I can say is WOW!!! 

I have got to say... this is the best Dungeons scene I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing! 

In fact it was so good, myself the friend I was with both wanted to visit the attraction again based off of this scene alone! 

Never have I felt more venerable and terrified just through the use of storytelling, lighting, music and world class acting! 

Entering a small cottage... you find yourself in the old house of Molly Lee... a famous folk-law of the area! 

From here was one of the most intense dungeon shows I have ever experienced.. so much so... I actually had to bury my head in my hands!! 

While some may wish to know the full details. It is truly not worth ruining the surprise! To have the best experience you need to go in here.. not knowing anything.... so Im not going to be the one to spoil that! 

It was just wonderful! 

Overall - 15 / 10 

Wrap Up: 

So overall I must say this attraction is a strong addition to the Alton Towers Line-up and an even stronger addition to the dungeons brand! 

A massive shout out must be given to the acting talent inside the show too! 
All of the characters in my two separate runs were strong, consistent and hilariously spooky! 

All the cast  should all be so proud and I can't thank them enough for a terrifying time! 

I would say to anyone visiting.. this is a must do! But please... try not to watch any spoilers before hand.. go in fresh.., 

Oh and always expect the un-expected! 

overall I give the attraction... 

Overall  -  8.5 / 10 

Have you experienced The Alton Towers Dungeon? What were your thoughts? 

leave a comment below or get in touch on our insta: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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