Vengeance 5D: The Lost Ride Of The London Dungeon

 A thought crossed my mind today... whatever happened to the wonderfully crazy 5D ride at The London Dungeon. 

For those of you who maybe never had a chance to cross paths with this awesome beast of a ride, let me give you a quick rundown... 

The Experience:  

The attraction existed from 2011 until the eventual move to County Hall in 2013, the premise was you were going to take part in a seance and defeat rogue spirits hell bent on taking you to your murky grave.  

As a pre-show to the ride, you entered a victorian style house, with dolls, china cabinets and everything you can imagine... just think.. victorian and creepy...  From here you met a Butler style character, who warned you about the dangers of taking part in a Seance and of the once famed medium Florence Cook. 

The ride experience that followed was a mixture of a 4D motion spinning sim, with blasters and in theatre special effects. 

The Disappearance 

it always sparked a debate among many enthusiasts... some love it some hated it. 

But with it's sudden disappearance and non-inclusion to the re-fit of the dungeon at county hall, it left many wondering why?! 

Well call it 7 years late... but I was thinking that very same question the other day... 

I wanted to find out the answers to a few questions, so I got in touch with The London Dungeon directly...

The London Dungeon Q and A 

Q: What was the reason why it wasn't included into the re-location of city hall?

"With our move to the Southbank, we found that the experience didn't quite fit in with our new system of flow and story-telling."

Q: Where is the attraction now?

"It was placed into storage in the event that we possibly re-considered introducing it back to the Dungeon."

Q: Will it ever return somewhere within the dungeons line up?

"At this moment, we are not considering the return of Vengeance 5D as an experience in our Dungeon."


Wrap Up: 

Well there we have it! 

It was interesting to note, that Merlin have it in storage... this poses a question then....

Could we possibly one day see a return of this ride, either at a Dungeon or elsewhere within a Merlin Park? 

Would you like to experience it again? What was your own thoughts? 

Leave a comment below, or get in touch on our insta: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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