Why Rita Is Far Superior Than Stealth.....

 For Today's article I wanted to give my views on a coaster that continuously gets a lot of flack across the enthusiast community and beyond! 

Rita: Queen Of Speed! 

So Let's have a quick rundown on this coaster for anyone that is yet to experience this beauty! 

Rita is an Intamin Accelerator created in 2005 and reaching speeds of a snappy 60mph! 

The track layout is a simple one.. it just hits a bunch of tight turns elevated. 

Let's be real it's nothing for people to turn their nose up at!

But yet across the community Rita just seems to pick up hate with fan's saying it's boring or does nothing... 

Let's bring in the comparison to this, that is often made.... 

Stealth is another Intamin Accelerator located at Thorpe Park... Reaching a faster speed of 80mph 

But with a very very short layout, of a over 200ft Top Hap... Think a smaller version of Kingda Ka.. 

Stealth and Rita were initially designed to  be the same coaster.. however became siblings separated by half of the UK.. 

Forever being Pitted against each other, these two are constantly compared and contrasted... 

Well today I wanted to put in my 2 cents on the argument and say why I think Rita is the clear winner.. 

While Rita may not be the fastest coaster out there... it offers way more ride time and bang for your buck! 

The layout is longer then Stealths 8 second thrills, which simply makes the wait worth it! 

The coaster is amazing by the way it interacts the land from an elevated vantage!! 

It's simply snappy, simple fun! 

That Ladies and Gents... Is my entire reasoning behind the argument... 


Was great to get that out there! 

What to talk about now?.... So that cross valley coa....


Have you got any thoughts on the classic argument? What Is your fav? 

Leave a comment below or get in touch on our insta: @coastersamblog

Until Next Time,

See ya! 

Sam x 


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