4 Ways To Beat Your Theme Park Blues During Lockdown


OK, so lockdown and closed season all at the same time can seem overwhelmingly gloomy. 

No theme parks to take us away from reality, no coasters to feel free, nothing... But... it's not all bad! 

In fact Im going to share just a few ways we can make this time feel more fun and productive! 

Coaster Blues will be no more! 

So let's jump into it! 

1). Follow Youtubers From Places Which Are Open. 

Yes, by simply following along with some vloggers from countries or places where their theme parks are open. 

you can get fast and fun updates, all be it watching from another side of the world... 

but at least you can really feel like your there in the midst of all the fun! 

2). Listen to Theme Park Online Radio Stations 

I am in no way kidding that there is such a thing, as Theme Park Radio... in fact there are quite a few! 

Online you can find many independent online streaming radio channels that are dedicated to certain parks, or brands. 

They will play everything from Park Audio, to attraction audio, even shows in some cases... 

By simply listening in, it feels like your right at home and can take you away to your favourite places almost in a heartbeat! 

3). Plan, Plan And Plan Some More. 

While this may seem risky at the moment, it's always good to have a plan in mind. 

Now please understand, I am in no way saying book up your dream trip, becuase right now in the current climate, who knows where we will be in 6 months... 

But one thing that you can do, guilt free and without any risk, is create some ideal plans! 

Find those dream parks, or trips that you have wanted to go on, maybe hit a rollercoaster bucket trip?! 

Even if you have this trip in your head for 2027!

 It's still always fun to plan and dream up how you could achieve it! 

4). Research You're Favourite Park Or Coasters.

There are so many books and resources out there, that are specific to theme parks or coasters. 

Be it a certain attraction, place or coaster manufacturer.... for us enthusiasts nothing beats learning more cool stories and facts about your favourite places to visit. 

If your not the type of person for books, try researching online, articles are out there about almost anything! 

Wrap Up 

So there we have it, just a few ideas to beat the lockdown blues. 

What do you do to beat them? Do you have any suggestions? 

Leave a comment Below or get in touch on our Insta:@coastersamblog. 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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