Losing My Flamingo Land Virginity: It Was Awesome!

 Having never ventured up north in most of my adult life... the opportunity of joining @themeparkloopy's Ryan and Shelly and @gothemepark's Charlie for a visit last summer was something I couldn't miss! 

So today I wanted to share my thoughts on my first ever trip to Flamingoland and how loosing my booster bike virginity was amazing! 

( Please remember these are just my thoughts... not everyone else will share the same views and thats ok! It's the best part about being in the coaster community! Having so many different views and discussion) 

so with that said, Im going to break down what I loved and perhaps what I think could use some work... 

Let's do this! 

A Hidden Farmland Theme Park! 

Right Im going to say it, this place is in the middle of absolute nowhere! 

Which is why it rocks! Nestled in the most amazing countryside and rolling hills of Yorkshire, this theme park has some of the most stunning views from the tops of it's lift hills and drop towers. 

Loads of folks out there underestimate how important location is.... Well for Beautiful scenery... Flamingoland wins! 

The Coasters and Drop Tower .... Just WOW! 

I have talked about this before, but I must mention the great coasters here! 

For a fully indie park, this place has some serious creds! 

I loved Kumali, it was so intense and that first drop really gets you low to the ground! 

My first ever El-Loco was here too, while I had heard mixed things about this coaster, it was just great fun! 

The highlight of the park, was without a single doubt in my bones.... was Velocity! 

Having been my first booster bike, this is up there in my top 5 coasters in the country, the launch was powerful and the layout was so thrilling and enjoyable! I really didn't think this would slap as hard as it did... but oh my Mary.... THIS COASTER S.L.A.P.S! 

If you want to hear more about this awesome park, check out the Theme Park Loopy podcast, to hear Ryan, Brett and myself chat about this incredible park! You can find it on Spotify and Apple Music!  


Ok, the theming around the park was little, in comparison to other parks in the uk... within reason though, as how can an indie park, be able to maintain incredible theming park wide.... 

 but where there was theming it was strong! Highlights for me here was the rock work near Kumali and the dino area too! 

Great areas of the park, it's just a shame it isn't carried out more throughout and around other areas. 

Space, So Much Space

This is my only issue I am going to raise, as I always try to be as supportive as possible. 

There is a lot of empty space around the park, with it also being very open, I can imagine cover gets difficult too! 

Perhaps some more covered seating areas, or options that provide more cover, just a thought. 

Wrap Up 

This park is without a doubt a shinning gem of the UK! 

modest and beautiful, with some of the country's best attractions! 

I know I will be back to visit again soon and I encourage anyone else reading this to do the same! 

Check out The Theme Park Loopy Podcast to hear more! Streaming on Spotify and Apple Music 

Have you been to Flamingoland? What was your highlights? 

Leave a comment Below or get involved on our insta @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya!

Sam x   



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