Will The London Resort Change The UK Theme Park And Leisure Industry For Good?

 Since Im in the mood for a discussion lets talk The London Resort shall we? 

There are many people think about this project in different ways. Some believe it's never going to happen, others that it will and those that are on the fence with the entire subject. 

Today, let's forget whatever your pre-disposition is on this park, pop it to one side.... as what Im talking about today is the effects it could have on the industry at large across the UK and Beyond. 


(Please remember this is just my thoughts and discussions, if you disagree that's great too, in fact talking shop is one of the best parts of being in the coaster community. I would love to hear your thoughts, get involved on our Insta: @coastersamblog)

So let's start looking at some of the changes this park could possibly have... 

Up The Ante In Offerings 

Ok, here is what I think could happen and what I believe has already started to happen... 

With the majority of the major parks in the UK being owned by Merlin, there hasn't been much sense of competition across the industry. 

Of course there has always been Blackpool Pleasure Beach as a rival and now with Paulton's Park upping their game to stand out amongst the parks. 

But for the vast majority, the main parks in the UK, have had no major battling companies to out do each other. 

This is where I think The London Resort could switch things up, with the level of investment and quality increasing the offering in the country, I honestly think, this will push the other parks around the UK to make their upcoming investments even better. 

Which is great for us enthusiasts as let's be honest, we will hopefully see a wider increase in park offerings that are of a EVEN better quality! 


IP's Everywhere. 

Regardless if you like it or not, one thing we have seen across more and more parks is the use of IP's within theme parks. 

It totally makes sense from a business point of view, people relate to a brand and want to experience it in a real life form, have it brought to life. 

That brand alone will see the attraction or experience, with the parks having to do much less in marketing to get the crowds through the gates. 

I think we could be seeing more and more of this, with The London Resort bringing in some HUGE names in entertainment, other parks are going to be keen to snatch up existing IP's and have them ready to be incorporated for the arrival of The London Resort. 

There is a saying in the industry.. more IP's more crowds, will this translate into our parks in the future? Possibly? 


A Shift In USP's 

Here's another possible thought... 

With The London Resort going for an international audience, as a major destination park, similar to that of Disney or Universal, could we see the more regional parks aim for a more local audience. 

Where as in previous years we saw parks aim for a nationwide crowd, with people heading to The London Resort for vacations or staycations, could this see those parks that were previously known for that, more to a more daytime audience? 

A change of focus perhaps in getting local crowds through the gate?

 It's just a thought.... 

Wrap Up 

So what do you think The London Resort Could Bring? 

Have you got some Ideas? Will you be visiting when in opens? 

Leave a comment below, or get in touch on our Insta: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x


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