Could The Nemesis Story Be Expanded and Explored Again?

 Well, here we go again, another Monday is upon us! 

I hope everyone is well, it's an ever-optimistic start to the week and I wanted to explore some thoughts I had over the weekend with you all! 

The pondering question... Could Nemesis storyline be brought back into some future attractions across Merin's parks and resorts? 

( Please remember as always, these are just my own personal views and opinions. Not everyone is going to agree and that's ok! 

In fact, difference and discussion are the best parts about being in the coaster community! 

Please do share your own thoughts with me, get involved on the Insta: @coastersamblog or now find us on Youtube: Coaster Sam Blog) 

So with that all being said... Let's just have some fun and explore and speculate about a couple of possible options then! 

Forbidden Valley Extension 

Here is my first feeling about a possible option. 

There are of course never-ending rumors of extensions happening to the area in the future, with regards to car parks being used for plots of land, how tangible these ideas are, is for another day... 

However, In terms of continuing the Nemesis story obviously, there isn't a better place. 

With the OG coaster itself arguably being the main draw to the area of the park, it would make sense for this tradition to continue and evolve. 

Now we know, of course, Sub-Terror was an interesting addition and attempt at this.... but perhaps a flat ride was where they fell short. 

Another coaster following the story and evolution could be a better fit here, after all the whole reason why Alton Towers is such a Heavyweight in international theme parks is due to the original. 

Having spoken to many enthusiasts from around the world, Nemesis is seen as a huge draw and a bucket list coaster. 

Nemesis 2.0 

Perhaps another possible option could potentially be a refurb of the original itself? 

While this has been talked about a little across the years, there are some unavoidable issues with this. 

Let's not forget the coasters age, it is old, very old in fact and as a result, some serious work would be needed. 

The track would need replacing in parts, which could mean some landscaping changes too. With a general tidy of the coaster's themeing and ride area also, this would not be an easy task, to say the least. 

But with this, could arrive a new opportunity to change and evolve the coaster's story and narrative. 

A kind of re-birth, that would bring even more guests to the area and have hype about this ride. 

A new generation of Nemesis! 

As always, remember this is just pure speculation a bit of fun, so take it with a grain of salt! 

Wrap Up 

So there are just a few ideas of how the Nemesis story could evolve over the coming years...

Would you like to see any further developments or changes? What are your thoughts? 

Let me know in the comments below, or get involved on our social media channels! 

Insta: @coastersamblog 

Youtube: Coaster Sam Blog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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