I survived The World Famous Action Park....

 Today I wanted to write about my absolutely bonkers day experiencing this infamous water park! 

To give some background super quick...

This Water Park came into the spotlight after a number of unfortunate happenings with some questionable water slides. 

Perhaps the most famous of all of these was the looping slide, this caused quite a severe amount of damage to any rider,, with it being that the water slide rider often came out with several broken bones ... having not been able to even make the loop... or in some cases even worse outcomes... 

We Are Heading Where?! What's Action Park?...

You can imagine my surprise that 18-year old me, working the summer at a camp in New Jersey, in 2014, was told that we would be visiting the park on a camp trip... 

I was so excited, but also a touch hesitant having heard all of the swell of roumors sourounding the park! 

While this park was a mixture of being terrified and manic laughter... there was one moment that will forever stand out... This came in the form of the wildest raft ride I truly have ever ridden in my life! 

Hockey Helmet Madness! 

With the camp having arrived at the water park, I quickly gathered my bunk together! 

Unlike a few seasoned pros who had been to the park before, I casually asked the boys which slide they wanted to visit first... the response was unanimous....  'The Hockey Helmet One' they all shouted! 

I laughed, thinking in my naive European slant... they must have got confused with another water park, there is no way... on this earth, that any water slide would require such heavy-duty safety equipment just to ride... 

Well, you can imagine my surprise when the bunk went rushing towards a huge pit of hockey helmets to ride, what I could only assume was 'concussion - the ride'... 

This contraption was simply called the Colorado River. While to some this may conjure up pictures of slow-moving rivers, beautiful scenery and birds and wildlife gracefully living in harmony with the pines of the new jersey mountainsides... sadly, it couldn't be further from reality.... 

Our giant Rubber Ring approached us, all of the boys jumped in with their oversized protective headgear bobbing around, looking down the slide... I remember, thinking this was the moment that I would have to just be brave and be cool.... What could go wrong?! Right?!... I kept on telling myself! 

"YOU GUYS READY TO GO!!!!" the over-pumped, enthusiastic teenage slide operator shouted as he and another guy shoved our raft off the edge. 

It was here when I almost instantly realized why the Hockey Helmets were a necessity... 

The ride was so bumpy, crazy and wild! Rumbling down the slide of the old ski-slope, flying through rock tunnels and canyons, our heads all smashing together from the force of how fast and heavily we were smashing into the waves and various elements of the slide.... 

One thing was clear... while this was totally bonkers and seemingly slightly questionable, we were all laughing and having the time of our lives! 

We crashed down into the end pool and I've never seen a group of people laugh so much altogether! It was such an exhilarating experience and one that I will never forget and I don't think the others will either! 

While the park is home to so many fantastic rides and slides, the Colorado River will always remain the stand out feature at the park for me! 

I highly giving the park a visit, you will laugh and possibly cry all in one visit! 

Wrap Up 

The park now has since changed its name to Mountain Creek Water Park! 

It really is worth going for the day if you ever find yourself in the area! 

Have you visited? What was your Highlight? 

Leave a comment below or get in touch on our insta: @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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