Why Wood Is So Good!?

 As I have always pondered while walking past the grand layout of Wicker-man at Alton Towers... 

How come we have not seen more of these coasters in our parks? At the end of the day, they are GREAT!

They add so much to a park's feel and offering...

Today I wanted to quickly delve into what exactly makes wooden coasters just so much fun! By highlighting a few of my favourite things about these classic coasters. 

( Please remember, these are just my views... Everyone has different ideas, which is great! If you would like to share yours please get involved on the insta @coastersamblog or leave a comment below) 

There are so many things that make wooden coasters awesome! But in order to somewhat control my over-spilling joy.... I have narrowed it down to 3 main points... 


How a coaster simply looks is a big factor nowadays in the industry... with companies literally winning awards based off the beauty of a coaster's layout or theming alone! 

For example, have a look at the likes of 'VelociCoaster' at IOA or 'Taron' at Phantasialand (yes they are both steel coasters) but wooden coasters also too have similarly shown just how stunning a coaster can be! 

Look at Wicker-man and the impressive theming and artistry that went into that coaster!  

The fact of the matter is, wooden coasters always look stunning in a theme park! 

The classic feel and aesthetic it gives to the landscape, the sounds of rumbling trains and track in the distance... the warm tones of the sunset creating a perfect backdrop and silhouette, picture perfect for any coaster lover! 

Nothing quite beats watching coaster trains fly and rumble around a wooden track! 

Unique Elements 

I will be the first to admit this.... being honest with you, Im not so hot on the names of specific elements. 

So Forgive me if something isn't bang on the money...

I do find the various elements on a woody to be way more exciting then perhaps other types of coasters. 

The double downs, the tunnels... but my absolute favourite thing... possibly on this planet.... 

When a wooden coaster takes it's riders through the supports and beams of the coaster structure! 

This I love! 

The near misses, the fact you can never tell when the next dip, drop or turn is going to come, plus you always feel like your going so much faster, being close to the ground and seeing the supports flying by! 

Check out the 'Boardwalk Bullet' for a great example of this! 

This I have never ever seen on a steel coaster... now I may be wrong... and please if it has been done, let me know in the comments or on insta! @coastersamblog 

Utter Chaos! 

A rough woody is always so much fun! 

The chaos of riding, smashing into your mates in the car, rumbling along, getting some great airtime and always feeling that wind right in your face! 

It's the roughness experienced on a woody that makes it so charming and chaotic... 

I find on some steel coasters they can be a little too smooth, making the coaster feel all too boring... 

For me I love a ride where I have felt whacked around a bit and had a totally bonkers time! 

But that's just my thoughts! 


( sorry for shouting that out... I just had to mention it!) 

Wrap Up

So there we have it! 

A quick look into why I think woodys are totally awesome! 

What do you think makes a good wooden coaster? Which is your favourite?! 

Leave a comment below, or get in touch on our insta @coastersamblog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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