Hit Or Miss?! - A Few Of The UK's Flat Rides...

 Happy Monday everyone, 

As the opening of Theme Parks in the UK draws closer and closer, I wanted to touch upon a topic I don't often talk about... Flat Rides... 

I'm not sure why they have foregone in my blog for such a long time?! 

So today, I wanted to share, what I believe, to be the Hits and the Misses of some of the flat rides that we can find in parks across the country! 

( Please remember as always these are just my views and Opinions. Not everyone is going to agree and that is ok! Discussion is the best part of being in the coaster community! Please feel free to share your own thoughts with me, on our socials... INSTA: @coastersamblog YOUTUBE: Coaster Sam Blog 

With all of that having been said... Let's dive right it! 

Maelstrom | Drayton Manor - HIT

Yes, this has of course got to be on the list... 

Usually, I find gyro-swings to be sickening, boring and leave me dizzier than a Friday night out in London. 

But not Maelstrom. It's a fantastic flat! 

The speed you pick up during the ride is phenomenal, with all the seats sitting on the outside, it adds another dimension of thrill! 

I can remember going on this ride for the first time. Expecting to come off having experienced nothing but another Vortex... Oh, how wrong was I! 

This is one flat sits in my top 10 and I can't wait to get back on it again in the 2021 season! 

Rush | Thorpe Park - HIT 

Everyone remembers going on the swings as a kid. To many, that was the first thrilling experience we had. 

Well, who knew that going on a big swing could be just as terrifying many years on. 

Rush at Thorpe Park is a great example of a ride that is so simple in its premise. But delivers every time!

Swinging back and forth, flying you up into the sky... it's looking down that is the real challenge! 

With its fairly low height requirement and a great next step for any families who perhaps want a little more thrill, It sits in the park as a great buffer ride! 

Again another great flat I can't wait to get back on in 2021!  

Pterodactyl | Flamingo Land - Miss 

This is where the first miss comes in.... 

I can never understand star flyers. Just my personal opinion. 

As an attraction, they are mildly exciting. I can understand that if the ride is surrounded by wonderful scenery, they can have an appeal... 

But this is where Flamingo Land falls a bit short for me. 

To be completely truthful, the ride was disappointing, dull and the views at the top were not worth the loading time. 

While I could understand the placement of these attractions in cities, or urban areas, to offer up skyline views... this, unfortunately, was not an attraction I would itch to jump back on. 

While the theming was great, the audio and atmosphere surrounding the attraction was awesome! It was just the ride itself that fell short. 

Apocalypse | Drayton Manor - HIT 

I can not sing enough praises about this drop tower! 

Easily my favorite in the UK.... For a couple of reasons. 

Diversity, there are so many ways to ride this drop tower, with the various seating arrangements and variety, one ride is never the same and offers a ton of re-ride ability! 

Intensity. This has to be one of the most intense drop towers in the country! It's fast, extreme and so high! 

The structure of the tower itself just looks imposing! Plus the station is full of atmosphere with all the lights and awesome viewing platforms, so you can watch riders meet their match before you do! 

This will forever remain up there within my favorites around the country and is worth a visit to the park alone!

10/10 .... Would recommend it to a friend.... please go and try it out this season! 

Wrap Up 

So there we have it, Just some thoughts on some flats! 

what would you say were your hit and miss flats? What can you not wait to get back on? 

Leave a comment below, or get involved on our socials INSTA: @coastersamblog Youtube: Coaster Sam Blog. 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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