Lost But Never Forgotten: 3 Incredible and Possibly Intense Theme Park Attractions I Wish I Got To Experience...

 There are often times when you hear about a certain ride or experience and wish you got to try it out for yourself... 

Most of the time, you can find yourselves decades out and that doesn't hurt as much, however some other times, you can be just years short of closing... 

Or in my case, some of these attractions were right under my nose... 

Yes, today I wanted to talk about 3 highly immersive, incredible but extinct Theme Park Attractions I wish I got to ride! 

( Please remember as always these are just my thoughts and opinions. Not everyone will agree and that is ok! I would love to know your thoughts, please share them with me on the socials 

INSTA: @coastersamblog  | Youtube: Coaster Sam Blog ) 

So Let's take a dive then into just a few of these wonderful rides! 

The Backlot River Tour - MGM Grand Adventures Park

Some enthusiasts will laugh at me for this one, but I am honestly serious! 

I love a highly themed attraction and experience... this was one of them! 

Located in the MGM Grand Adventures park in Las Vegas. 

Using a similar ride system and set up as the ever famous 'Jaws: The Ride' at Universal... 

The Backlot River Tour took you on a journey through some of the movie studio's most iconic sets and scenes, but of course, the timing of the tour was perfect, as they had just started filming. 

The Attraction was made up of several large show scenes coming to life, with a tour guide on the boat delivering somewhat of a script! 

While this isn't the most groundbreaking idea behind a studio park ride, it makes my list due to how grand it was. 

The final moment, leading to a Helicopter rising from the set pieces and special water effects used to re-create the iconic moment from Apocalypse Now, just seems so interesting. 

I feel the '90s was a time when Theme Parks around the world, were really going for a sense of grandeur and the wow factor... in terms of physical theming structures and real-world show scenes. 

Nights In White Satin: The Trip - Hard Rock Park 

This was a park I almost visited... although I would have never have known that at the time! 

The Hard Rock Park goes down on my list as my number one extinct bucket list park... If you can have such a list.. ??! 

With the lands split into the different sub-genres of rock and each with their own unique set of E-Ticket rides... This park looked amazing! 

The park was based in Myrtle Beach and only operated for a few years... as Hard Rock Park, but that is a whole other story.

Within the park could be found Night's In White Satin: The Trip. A HUGE dark ride all based on... well, a trip. 

Wearing 3D and color induing glasses, you are taken on a journey through a mixture of large set pieces, special FX, and screens! 

While by today's standards this ride would perhaps feel a little dated, there is such a sense of mystery surrounding it, that will forever remain intriguing to me! 

Perhaps what makes this even more interesting, as its a hybrid style... Half Fun House, Half Dark Ride. 
Arguably one of the only attractions of its kind in the last few decades or so... 

ExtraTERRORestrial: Alien Encounter - Magic Kingdom Park

Walt Disney World has always been the number one special place in my heart and soul, easily my favorite vacation destination and getaway location! 

In 2008 I was lucky enough to experience my first ever trip, announced over a family BBQ one spring, it was a BIG DEAL! 

Admittedly at the time, I had no idea this attraction even previously existed and unfortunately there was no way I would have made it over to the resort prior to its closing, but that still doesn’t take away how amazing this attraction seems! 

Sitting down in a large auditorium, you are strapped into a seat and are all facing a large tube in the middle of the room, a large alien-like creature appears, then breaks out, leaving to terrorize those left in the room. 

The attraction was almost entirely in the dark and was a combination of in-theatre effects, personalised effects from your individual seat, sounds, lighting and all the rest! 

What perhaps is even more intriguing, is how this scare attraction fitted into Magic Kingdom in the first place? A family park, whimsical atmosphere, and storytelling.... then this mega scare experience! 

One thing is for sure, it sounded awesome!!

I would have loved to get a ride on this and experience it first hand!!! 

Wrap Up: 

So there you have it, Just some thoughts on some attractions I would have loved to experience! 

What's on your list? Do you have some theme park experiences you wished you could have ridden? 

Leave a comment below or get involved on our socials. 

INSTA: @coastersamblog | YOUTUBE: Coaster Sam Blog 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 



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