Passed Out And Terrified: Experiencing Talocan For The First Time...

There are not many times I find myself starting a ride and then finishing a ride... with a strange gap in my memory in the middle... Until I rode Talocan. 

This has to be without a doubt one of the most intense and overwhelmingly awesome flats in the world!! 

So I wanted to share my experience and thoughts on this absolute beauty of a ride! 

( Please remember, as always, these are just my own personal thoughts. Not everyone will agree and that is ok! Please do share your own opinions and stories, I would love to hear them! Get involved in our socials... INSTA: @coastersamblog YOUTUBE: Coaster Sam Blog) 

Right, so let's start with just a little bit of background... 

Talocan? Where and What Is that?!... 

Just in case there is anyone reading this, who has asked this question above, I'll quickly give you some info! 

Talocan is a Huss Top Spin that can be found in Phantasialand in Germany. 

This epic flat ride is highly themed to that of an Aztec temple in ruins, where you ( the rider) are a part of a ritual in which you board the gondola and prepare for the experience! 

Talocan Raises The Bar 

There are not many flat's out there, that are almost ride experiences in their own right! 

Some can be found just plonked in a car park amusement park, but not Talocan, oh no... 

In true Phantasialand fashion, this is themed to the nines! 

With incredible brick and stonework surround the pit... immense fire effects and spray make waiting for this attraction more of a show... than a queue line.. 

In fact, there are times where you wish the line was just that much longer so you can see the ride in action or go around a full cycle! 

It's hilarious and so exciting to hear the soundtrack literally vibrating around the ride area and people screaming.... It makes for some incredible scenes and creates such an intimidating effect!! 

My Experience... 

I thought I knew what to expect when joining this line, so sure of my former days riding RR at Chessington World Of Adventures and Ripsaw at Towers, would serve me well... 

How wrong was I. Walking up to the gates of the attraction, it's hard to find the entrance or even see what you're in for, until you are well within the queue line.. the ride system itself is almost concealed and tucked away from the rest of the area... which makes it so imposing when you enter. 

A short wait was in order, before getting on the ride... My jaw dropped to the floor... I couldn't believe the effects, going off seemingly so close to riders and those in the line, perhaps what struck me the most was the cycle itself! How Many spins in a row!! 

Finally, it was our time to ride, I nervously stepped up onto the gondola.. facing the wall... thinking It won't be that bad... calming myself down... How wrong was I... 

We reached the top of the arm, and started to flip... and flip and flip.... this is where my memory honestly gets very hazy... I remember my vision going quite blurry and screaming... and then I remember the ride end.

My friend who was with me and sat next to me looked over during the ride and said my face was quite ghostly and that I wasn't reacting much... we both came to the conclusion for a very short moment I could have slightly passed out... 

All in all, this attraction is not to be missed.. give it a go on your next visit! It Is awesome!!! 

Wrap Up 

There we have it, just some thoughts on an awesome flat and experience I had... 

Have you tried this one out? What did you think? 

Leave a comment below, or get involved on our Insta @coastersamblog, or find us on Youtube, just search Coaster Sam Blog. 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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