The Big One: The Controversial Coaster That Changed The Theme Park Industry...

 First up, before starting this article, I want to say.... I am in no way a BPB Expert! 

I will quite happily admit, this summer was my first ever visit... I know.... Blasphemous! 

I had never quite made it to the park. 

So when I did finally enter under the strange antarctic and icy gates... A couple of questions were on my mind.... 

The Big One, Is it really a Monorail like some have been saying? 

What was it about this coaster that causes such debate within the community? 

So I wanted to give my two cents to this topic and share my thoughts on the impressive coaster! 

( Please remember as always, these are just my thoughts, you may not agree and that is OK! Please share your own thoughts with me on the socials, I would love to start a convo!                                INSTA: @coastersamblog  YOUTUBE: Coaster Sam Blog) 

So with that out the way... here are my feelings... 

You Can't Deny It's Presence... 

One thing about this coaster that I love is it's sheer magnitude not only within the park but across the world within the industry! 

It is ICONIC! 

The coaster put the park and arguably the UK Theme Park Industry on the map! 

Of course with the coaster hitting the famed world records at the time of opening, although by today's standards it can be easy to not flinch at the idea of a coaster being above 200ft... 

If it wasn't for this coaster alone and the success it brought to the country and park... we may have not seen such a boom in the pleasure industries here in the UK.


Nope, absolutely not! 

There is no way you could call this that! The drops and intensity one feels while riding this is mammoth! 

While some enthusiasts could claim, due to the layout having a rather straight section and an out and back layout it becomes boring.... But I just did not find that to be the case here... 

Coasters can not always be flying around 100% of the ride, every coaster has to give the rider moments to quickly 'collect their thoughts' (so to speak). 

This coaster gives massive drops and some impressive elements, but also adds in moments in which a rider can take a breath... considering that the ocean is the backdrop I can hardly see this as a bad thing. 

Could there be improvements... Of course, but so could every coaster have minor issues changed. 

Having said that, I feel branding this as a rather dull, transport ride... Is totally unfair... 

Wrap Up 

So there we have it, I just wanted to put my own thoughts out there surrounding this topic! 

What do you think? Have you ridden the coaster? 

Leave a comment below of get in touch on the Insta: @coastersamblog or find me on Youtube: Coaster Sam Blog. 

Until Next Time, 

See Ya! 

Sam x 


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