Wild and Windy: A World's First Record Coaster... In a shopping mall??

First of all, let me say hello again! 

It's been a while since I published an article and that's because so much has happened. 

From moving from the UK, back to the USA, then Back to the UK, and now to the UAE, Life has been busy...

One of the benefits of living in the middle east is that apart from the abundance of random, roaming wild camels, there is a HUGE number of theme parks and coasters, that rival top destinations like Orlando! 

This all became apparent when I was meandering around one of the shopping malls on the weekend. 

As I was strolling down the mall walkway with my good friend Rikki, I couldn't help but notice the faint sounds of screams in the distance. Now while this was at first slightly alarming to hear such sounds in a shopping mall, I quickly moved towards the sounds as my curiosity and coaster enthusiast 6th sense, felt like something could be around the corner. 

Could this be a mall with a small theme park? Or a Ski Slope? At Least a tramp park or something?? 

Well, you can imagine our shrieking delight when we stumble upon  THE WORLD'S FIRST LAUNCHED VERTICAL LIFT HILL... better still it's a beautiful Intamin 

It was at this precise moment when I thought... COASTER SAM... Is BACK! 

I thought I would share my thoughts on this mega and mammoth coaster. 

( Please Remember as always these are just my own personal thoughts and opinions, not everyone will agree and that's ok! It's the best part about being in the coaster community, please do share your own thoughts on our socials INSTA: @coastersamblog YOUTUBE: Coaster Sam Blog) 


So let's talk about the pre-show.

What I am learning from all of the parks out here is that anything and everything is possible. 

If having a world-beating coaster in a shopping mall isn't exciting enough, having a fully produced and high-spec special effects pre-show is the metaphorical cherry on top! 
After you make your way through the desks and lines to get your ticket, you enter a faux elevator experience. 

It's here that you learn you are on a mission to help the weather team look into a storm that is approaching Dubai. 

On your journey up, there are standard lighting effects to create the illusion of movement and some impressive 360 screens. 

A drop floor and wind fans were used here to continue the illusion of movement and your stereotypical elevator-style narrative. 

After you exit here you are told you are entering the eye of the storm. 

You move through to the station and board the train! 


Let's talk about the coaster itself! 

There are some incredible moments here that stand out. 

First of all, the famous world's first launched lift hill, using LSM tech this coaster launches you up vertically and over the top of the lift hill. 

Be warned there is a serious amount of ejector airtime here, causing you to fly out of your seat, as you move over the precipice of the lift hill. 

To manage expectations, while this isn't the snappiest launch known to man ( 47.8mph), it's a totally unique experience to be moving so fast up a vertical lift hill! 

From here you move around the cylinder-style building moving around the wind machine, which is not only refreshing and cooling in Dubai! 

There are some fantastic drops that seem to come out of nowhere and allow the coaster to really pick up some speed. 

One of the most stand-out elements has to be the barrel roll into a half loop, this provides so much hangtime it feels like time could stop. 

It's a smooth and wild coaster that has some great moments, that warrant experiencing this and giving it a go. 


Overall, this coaster is a standout, not only for its unique location but the unusual elements that make this coaster a one-of-a-kind. 

If you happen to find yourself at Dubai Hills Mall, it is worth, the ticket price ( 65 AED / £13) and if you are traveling to the country, I could not recommend it more to be on your list! 

Have you been on the storm coaster before? What coasters have you been on that are also in funky places? 

Let me know in the comments below or check out the insta:@coastersamblog. 

Until Next Time

See Ya! 

